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Myths and Facts about cord blood stem cells

· stem cell banking

Is cord blood banking safe for your baby? Is it of any use? Expecting parents often land into a dilemma of whether banking cord blood stem cells is beneficial. The article will resolve a few myths related to stem cell banking and help you make a better decision.

Myth 1: Cord blood stem cell banking is risky for your baby

Fact: Without posing any risk to the mother or baby, cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord (connects the mother to the fetus) after the baby takes birth and the cord has been cut. Stem cell banking does not take blood directly from the newborn. During the procedure, both mother and baby do not face any risk.

Myth 2: Cord blood stem cells are waste and of no use

Fact: Stem cell research in India and other countries has proved that cord blood contains a large value of blood-developing stem cells. With its first successful operation in 1988, cord blood stem cell transplant is now being used to treat patients with severe blood-related diseases, including leukemia, thalassemia, anemia, immune deficiencies, genetic disorders, and bone marrow failure, among many others. More than 50,000 patients with crucial diseases have benefited from cord blood therapies.

Myth 3: Cord blood stem cell therapy can only treat children

Fact: Earlier, the dose of stem cells was limited and not properly known. With its evolving experiments, cord blood therapies have proved to be beneficial for adults as well. Since most adults require more stem cells than those in a single cord, they are given a double cord transplant as a treatment.

The cord blood stem cells are also helpful for a possible match sibling of the newborn, making stem cell banking a valuable investment.

Myth 4: Cord blood banking is restricted to the mode of delivery.

Fact: Cord blood stem cell collection is done irrespective of the baby's mode of delivery. Whether a normal or cesarean delivery, the expense of collecting and storing cord blood remains the same.

Myth 5: Cord blood banks are unsafe.

Fact: Not all cord blood banks follow stringent standards of collection, quality, and storage. In cord blood banking, the stem cells need a proper collection and storage method to be more useful in the future. We at Cryoviva follow the 'Closed Bag' collection method for harvesting cord blood stem cells. The process greatly reduces the chances of cord blood getting contaminated, making it last longer.

Forget all the Myths and Choose Cryoviva for Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood stem cells have several disease-curing characteristics and are widely used in crucial therapies. Banking your child’s stem cells may not only benefit your child but also treat other patients.

While banking cord blood stem cells, you may surely consider Cryoviva, as we are committed to providing best-in-class facilities in the stem cell industry by using technology accredited by AABB and other global certifications.