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Natural Ways To Control Urinary Incontinence During Pregnancy

· Pregnancy tips
Urinary Incontinence During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is beautiful, but it has its own challenges. Hormonal changes are common in pregnancy, and you might face discomfort in your bladder. You might find yourself leaking a bit when you cough or sneeze or need to visit the bathroom more often. It's quite frustrating sometimes!

Well, these symptoms cannot be escaped as your baby needs more space to grow in your womb, which puts pressure on your bladder. Thereby, now and then, you feel the urge to pee. However, you can manage all these discomforts naturally. In this section, let us discuss some natural ways to control urinary incontinence during pregnancy.

What is Incontinence during Pregnancy?

Urinary incontinence can be defined as having trouble controlling your bladder. Bladder control issues can occur for various reasons, including during pregnancy and after childbirth. The positive side is that urinary incontinence during pregnancy is usually temporary. Things typically return to normal a few months after your baby is born.

How can you Control Urinary Incontinence?

You can control Urinary incontinence with some changes in your lifestyle.

  • Make diet modifications:

Some foods and beverages, such as caffeine, alcohol, and hot and acidic foods, might exacerbate incontinence. It is especially critical if you have urinary frequency and urgency and have problems getting to the toilet when you need to urinate.

  • Limit your fluid intake after dinner:

Avoid the excess liquid intake at night, as it can lessen the number of toilet trips you make while trying to sleep.

  • Consume high-fiber foods:

Fibre can help minimize your chances of constipation during pregnancy. Straining to poop might also stress your bladder and cause leaking.

  • Lose weight:

Excess body weight causes strain on the bladder. Even a 10% weight loss can greatly help with urine incontinence. Work with your doctor to manage your weight gain throughout pregnancy and return to your pre-pregnancy weight after the baby is born. This will help ease pressure on your bladder and pelvic floor after delivery.

  • Quit smoking:

Smoking has a direct connection to an increased incidence of urine incontinence, as it causes bladder irritation and chronic coughing.

  • Perform Kegel Exercise:

Kegel exercises can help you have better control over the muscles you'll need during childbirth. They can also aid in tissue recovery following pregnancy. Still, consult with a physician to confirm it is safe for you.

If you experience discomfort or any severe symptoms related to urinary incontinence during pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Final words
If you are facing pregnancy complications to control your bladder discomforts, you can do it medically as well as naturally. If you're experiencing leaks or dribbling, it's a good idea to talk to your provider. They can suggest changes to your routine. Keeping an eye on what you eat, doing daily Kegel exercises, and planning your bathroom breaks can all help. Don’t just accept feeling uncomfortable or let bladder issues stop you from enjoying life during pregnancy.

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