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What Happens in Newborn Baby Screening?

· Pregnancy tips
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New born screening (NBS), or neonatal screening, is an important test examining new born infants regarding severe and threatening health concerns. It assists in detecting specific genetic, metabolic, and congenital diseases as soon as possible following birth, so timely treatment intervention can save your child's life.

There are chances that your baby may be born with a medical condition even though they are not displaying any symptoms. That's why newborn screening can assist in evaluating your child's health from all aspects.

Additionally, considering stem cell banking can be a proactive step for securing your child's future health. Stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood and tissue at birth can potentially be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions in the future, providing an extra layer of protection for your child's well-being.

What Happens in New Born Screening?

There are three fundamental parts of newborn baby screening:

  • Blood Test

Blood tests are an integral part of NBS because they can assist in detecting rare but serious diseases. In this test, the doctor will take a few drops of blood from the baby's heel on a special paper and send it to a laboratory for testing. You'll get a result within a few days when your baby is 5-7 days old.

  • Hearing Screening

The next part of NBS after the blood test is a hearing examination, where the test aims to check for hearing loss. In this test, tiny earphones are placed in your baby's ears, and a special computer evaluates how your baby responds to the sound.

  • Heart Screening

It is the last phase of NBS, and it is equally important as it aims at detecting a group of heart conditions called critical congenital heart defects. The examination comprises a pulse oximetry test with a pulse oximeter machine and sensors attached to your baby's skin to examine the oxygen level.

Additionally, if you are pregnanct, it's important to note that if you're planning for a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you can use a pregnancy calculator to estimate your due date and track the progress of your pregnancy. This can help you prepare for the arrival of your baby and ensure you receive the necessary prenatal care.

Why Should You Get a New born Screening Test Done?

Newborn Screening Tests provide a peek at the future if your baby is at risk for developing severe genetic or congenital disease, where early intervention can be useful in minimizing the effects of the disorder. Here are some types of disorders that it can help in detecting:

  1. Organic acid metabolism disorders
  2. Fatty acid oxidation disorders
  3. Amino acid metabolism disorders
  4. Endocrine disorders
  5. Hemoglobin disorders
  6. Other disorders, like cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy

What to do if something is detected?

If the newborn screening tests are not normal, the doctor will suggest some diagnostic tests to understand if there is a health issue. If the diagnostic tests are normal, there is no need for more testing.

Even if nothing is detected, preserving your baby’s cord blood stem cells can be beneficial in the future. Stem cell banking is one of the best treatments for treating severe health conditions. Stem cells are extracted from the baby's umbilical cord and have regeneration power. These cells can mature into a specific body organ cell and replace damaged ones.

Cryoviva - Your Safety Partner

Even though stem cell banking costs are expensive, Cryoviva offers flexible payment options and different plans that you can choose from to preserve your baby's stem cells and future. Visit Cyoviva today to learn how a baby's cord blood helped save a life, and schedule your appointment!