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Fruits To Avoid During Pregnancy

· Pregnancy tips
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Pregnancy diets may seem like they have limitless restrictions: no caffeine, no seafood, no deli meat, etc. Expecting mothers should be careful of what they consume because there's a likelihood that some meals and beverages could have an adverse effect on a baby's health.

Fruits are packed with necessary vitamins and minerals that will assist your growing baby. However, eating some fruits during pregnancy has been associated with certain risks. Let’s explore which fruits should not be included in your diet during pregnancy.

Additionally, considering stem cell preservation is crucial for your baby's future health, as it provides an opportunity to safeguard against potential medical conditions that may arise later in life.


Fruits To Avoid During Pregnancy

While most fruits are safe to eat in a limited amount during pregnancy, did you know that some fruits can have an adverse effect on your health? In the worst case, it may also result in miscarriage or vaginal bleeding. Let's examine the fruits you should not eat during pregnancy:

  • Papaya

During pregnancy, it's best to avoid raw or semi-ripe papaya. These fruits contain latex, which can cause premature contractions that could be harmful to the baby.

Some cultures also believe that Papaya could increase your body temperature and likely cause a miscarriage. While ripe papaya, in moderation, can be a good source of iron and some vitamins, it’s best to be mindful of this fruit during pregnancy.

  • Pineapple

One of the most common pregnancy tips is not to include pineapples in your diet or consume them in a moderate amount. This tropical food contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that can soften meat and break down proteins.

This enzyme is associated with altering the texture of the cervix, creating cramping, and inducing premature labor. However, more studies need to be done to validate this observation. Pineapples have high acidic content and can cause acidity or heartburn, contributing to the digestive issues that most women face during pregnancy. Another disadvantage of consuming this fruit is that it can trigger allergic reactions, especially in those who are already allergic to latex.

  • Grapes

When it comes to grapes, there are no common grounds. Some believe grapes can be eaten, and others believe they should be avoided. However, with limited consumption, this fruit is safe during pregnancy. Its safety concern arises due to the tendency of grapes to cause heat production in the body is not beneficial to the mother or the unborn child. It also contains resveratrol, a toxic compound that can cause harm to the baby. This fruit should be avoided in the final trimester of pregnancy.

Eating fruits during pregnancy promotes the health of both you and the fetus. Since some fruits should only be eaten during certain trimesters, use your pregnancy calculator to track your pregnancy and adjust your diet accordingly.

Secure Your Baby’s and Your Family’s Future with Cryoviva

If you want to take another step towards your child’s safety, consider using advanced stem cell technology. Stem cells and cord blood cells have regenerative abilities and can protect your baby from a number of potential diseases and complications.

At Cryoviva, we provide holistic stem cell banking services. Our state-of-the-art stem cell storage technology will ensure that your baby has the best fighting chance against any potential diseases, including cancers and tumors. So, contact our experts today and protect your loved ones from life-threatening diseases!